Saturday, June 6, 2009

So I decided I am not very good at this blogging thing-I don't do it very often. Life has kind of just been lazy lately. We are still just trying to figure out what we are going to do next. I have applied for a couple jobs, but nothing really exciting. I have an interview next week...we'll see how it goes. Esther has been adjusting pretty well to moving. When she has much down time she gets a little sad and talks about missing her friends and family in Colorado. I would like to take the summer off and start working in the fall, but we will see what happens.

We bowled today as part of a fundraiser for the food bank. We had fun. Esther bowled pretty well-a 38 and a 24. She was pretty excited. She is signed up for swimming lessons and the summer reading program. Hopefully she can stay busy this summer and learn to like back here in Montana.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey all, after 4 weeks I am back. The last 4 weeks have definitely had their ups and downs. I had 1 free weekend since returning from Maryland and that was last weekend. We went to Highlands Ranch on Friday, spent the night and hung out on Saturday. My uncle Dwight took me out to their land to see the cabin they are building. It is nice. We barbecued with my aunt and uncle and some of my uncles friends from high school before heading back to Fort Collins. It was nice to just relax and not really think much about school.

We didn't do much for Mother's Day. It was rainy and I had to prepare for my defense today. Esther spent most of the afternoon and evening playing with Peyton. She has been emotional and edgy. She knows we are moving soon and that means leaving all her friends. We are currently packing the camera everywhere we go so she can take pictures for a memory box. I have a feeling the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty long, but we'll get through them.

My group and I defended our research today. Based on how things had gone in the past I should have been worried, but wasn't. I knew that there were people out there praying and that was comfort enough for me. A good friend of mine, as well as my Sunday School teacher showed up. I expected Lori, and was not surprised to see Andy. Although I told him not to come, for some reason it was comforting to know he was there.

I am now done with graduate school and on to the next phase in my life. I just wish I knew what I wanted to do with this next phase of my life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We watched the new Hannah Montana movie last night. I was definitely unsure about what I was getting myself into going into the theater. It stated with a Hannah Montana look a like contest. There were some girls who went all out, wig and all and others who just showed up for the movie. Esther was one who just showed up. Needless to say she didn't win, but did get a poster. It has Hannah on one side and Miley on the other. Who could ask for more? Really, although not my choice of movie, it was worth it to see Esther singing and dancing and so into the movie. Although she didn't know the new songs in the movie, she was able to sing a long to all the old songs. Who would have thought my 4 year would be so into what is in.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The last few weeks have definitely been a roller coaster so to speak. We spent 8 days in Maryland visiting (some would accuse over stimulating) my little brother. Maybe we did overstimulate some, but we are Laci's and we tend to do that anywhere we go, why make the ICU any different. My brother is showing improvement everyday and has all the doctor's amazed (something else we Laci's are good at I guess). While there we stayed with my sister in laws parents. They are probably the kindest people ever to take us all in for a week. It was me, Matt, Esther, my two sisters, my sister's two kids, my other sister's husband,my older brother, and his daughter. I can just imagine what it was like to go from a quiet house of two to a house of 2 plus 10 Laci's. They taxi'd us to and from the airport daily and fed us. Way more than they had to do and we surely do appreciate it.

I have about 5 weeks left of school. I tried to get as much of my assignements done as I could over spring break and am glad that I did, considering I missed an entire week of school and am having an extrememly hard time getting my motivation back. It was worth it though, seeing Philip and Megan, and just being there.

I have learned a lot through all of this. Mostly, not to take anything for granted and to be thankful for my family and friends. God has truly blessed my family and shown that even in 2009 He can and does still work miracles. On that note, please, please continue praying for Philip and Megan. Megan has been such a blessing to our entire family and has proved (not that we questioned it) that she and Philip truly do complete each other.

Love ya all and I will post again soon...maybe

Monday, March 23, 2009

Denver March

Okay so we spent the weekend in Denver at Denver March Pow Wow. Following are some pictures, but also a video that I can't stop laughing over...

My nephew Dominick

Esther and Dominick with my Uncle Dwight

Esther and Dominick on the dance floor

Hope you all enjoyed this. I will try to post next week with some updates on my bro. Love ya all.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Doing Better Now

Okay, so I have calmed down a little bit since my last post and decided to let myself breathe. I got my announcements in the mail the other day and somehow started to see the light at the end (I was wondering if they were worth it, as much as they cost, thanks mom and dad, and unfortunately I didn't get many so only family is getting them), but somehow it helped me to see them.

I had to prioritize a little bit, realizing I was putting all my energy into school, my internship etc. and wasn't leaving anything for God and my family. Matt and I attended a marriage conference last weekend and I had a blast. Today, instead of finishing my paper that's due on Tuesday, I am going to hang out with Esther. Somehow I am less stressed about school, even though I am spending less time focused on it.

I still haven't heard back about the fellowship, and have yet to find any job openings in the Billings/Hardin area, but I know that God will provide the right opening at the right time. So thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for me and the family over the next couple months as this phase of our life comes to a close and we start the next, whatever that is.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



I can't seem to make myself stop procrastinating....yet I am still so busy....why. AND I graduate in 2 1/2 months, haven't heard back from Yale, and I can't find a job in my field in Montana. I don't care where I go as long as I have something to do when I get there!